Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring delight!

Personally I love copper...I don't use it often as I've found my customers aren't great fans of this particular look/metal...I couldn't resist it for my choice in the "Beauty of Spring" design campaign though!!!

I was very excited when this parcel arrived generally takes about three weeks and I'm always watching for the package to arrive!!!

One of the reasons I was so excited is because of the gorgeous double star pendant, this is truly a stunner 43m x 43m...this hand-crafted copper beauty is made in the USA!!! Great color variation, wonderful hand-crafted feel to it!!!

These 32mm, copper plated pewter circle links are beautiful...the photo on doesn't do them justice!

How about these great square links...again copper plated pewter, 23mm sq... I love the new pewter items...

Can't be without oval copper plated pewter links, now can I?...18m x 12m

Gotta love this chain...nice detail, classy but still fun...copper plated over metal

Aren't these pretty? I loved them right away... hand-crafted stoneware clay tubes. also has solid colors but I thought these said spring nicely, with green, yellow, orange, tan and delicate blue... definitly spring to me!

Of course my group photo...I do have to mention the star is not as dark as it looks in this photo...the first photo is an accurate color!

I must say I'm very happy with all these beads, they are all well made, nice intricate detail... lovely to look at.
I've been using silver plated pewter beads a great deal in the past year but this will be my first time using copper plated pewter beads of any kind..I'm looking forward to using the links in my piece!

As always thank you to for allowing me this wonderful opportunity!
Enjoy your day...

*FTC compliance disclosure* the products attributed to in this post where provided as a promotional gift by in relation to the blogging program. My comments pertaining to these products are my personal opinion, no compensation has been received for the comments.


  1. Hey Heather! Welcome to Copper Land! :o) As you know, I totally dig copper! I love that star! It's gorgeous! I can't wait to see your finished work. I know I'll love it!

    It was a chilly, but sunny day here in WI too today! But as long as there is sun, I'm a happy girl!


  2. Oh, what beautiful goodies! I would never have thought of copper but I love your selection and know that if someone can make beautiful pieces with copper -it's you! Your pictures alone make the individual pieces look like a million dollars.

    Great photography work Heather!

    Can't wait to see what you make of your new beads!

  3. I love copper jewelry also, but it always tends to darken and lose that bright pretty color that attracts me to it in the first place.
    If it were easier to maintain, I'd definitely have more of it!
    Those bracelets are cute and remind me of some copper bangles I had a long time ago.
    Take care, and happy weekend to you! ;)

  4. GREAT finds Heather...the STAR is something we see around here (in larger form) hung over doors of people's homes..but I LOVE the depth of the double star...and the ceramic beads remind me of some gorgeous planters I'm eying for Mother's Day (which I've pointed out w/ all clarity to my husband) @ Whole Foods in the garden department!!! HAVE FUN and a great weekend..:))

  5. Jackpot! Love the copper links and stoneware tubes!!!Can't wait to see what you make!

  6. Those are just beautiful pieces you chose. The end result is bound to be spectacular!

  7. hello gorgeous, can't wait to see what you create with them....hurry up! lol! ;o)

    Have a creative day lovely....


    hello gorgeous xxx

  8. I love Copper too, it looks great with blues and green and it gets better as it tarnishes. Looking forward to seeing what you create. The star is spectacular. I chose some stoneware beads to for my 'Beauty of Spring' design, great colors. Stop by and check out my Spring Beauty!

  9. Oooooh I love the stoneware clay tubes AND the star. What gorgeous pieces these will make. Oh and I LOVE the beauty shots at the top of your web page. Very professional and inviting!

  10. I have not thought to wear copper much but after looking at these incredible designs I will.

  11. Cool Stuff. I especially like the beads ;o)

  12. Hi Heather, copper rocks, gorgeous playthings you have there. xx

  13. Hi Heather! I love your choices!! You always select such wonderful pieces from Artbeads. You have a great eye! :)

  14. I am a jewelry lover, even though I do not create any myself. I had forgotten about copper. How warm it is on the skin. It is actually a beautiful metal.



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