Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bloggers Unite...World Aids Day, 2008!!!

The majority of Canadian citizens feel far removed from Aids, it isn't something people think of a great deal, unless it directly affects their lives. There are articles in the newspaper or a short clip on the evening news, but for the most part it is in the back of peoples minds. Sadly, for many people the word Aids has a tremendous stigma attached even after all this time!

Bloggers Unite

Well, I have news for Canadians, there were 58 thousand people living with Aids in 2005, and approximately 21 thousand people in total who died with an HIV/AIDS infection... the next report, with up to date figures is expected in 2009. I realize these number must seem small in comparison to world figures...35 million people worldwide living with Aids, an estimated 25 million have already died since 1981 ..but...every number is or was a person, each and everyone is important.

Today is the 20th anniversary of World Aids Day...the theme is Leadership, with emphasis on perseverance and commitment in fighting Aids... the campaign slogan is "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise."

Here is something interesting...

The Canadian government is committed to fighting Aids... in February of 2007 there was a five year collaborative effort agreed upon with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (up to $28 million contribution) in which the Canadian government is contributing up to $111 million, for the construction of a facility in Canada to manufacture HIV vaccines to be used for clinical trials. This collaborative effort ends in 2012...after which time an evaluation will take place...who knows what will happen then??

A vaccine would be wonderful...but these things take time, and money...this is one area which I am happy to see my tax dollars go towards! Researchers have come a long way in giving those living with HIV/AIDs a longer more comfortable life...but there is no cure!!!

A vaccine, produced at Western University in London, Ontario, has reached the stage where it will be tested on animals to see if it is safe to be used on humans, results should be available in 3 months. Watch for the results of this testing in the early part of 2009.

"Where are trials happening around the world?

According to the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, more than 30 clinical trials of experimental HIV vaccines were underway in 2007. The trials are taking place in over 20 countries around the world, including Canada.

  • The vast majority of trials are in Phase I. These trials typically involve fewer than 100 volunteers and are used to determine the safety of the candidate vaccine.
  • Two test-of-concept trials (Phase IIb trials) have been halted because the vaccine did not indicate that it could prevent HIV infection or that it could affect the course of the disease in those who became infected.
  • Only one of these trials, involving 16,000 people in Thailand, had advanced to Phase III, the final stage before obtaining regulatory approval for an experimental product. Phase III trials can take several years and involve thousands of volunteers from high-risk populations.

For an up-to-date listing of trials around the world, visit the AIDS Vaccine Clearinghouse website at"

Quote courtesy of Canadian HIV/AIDS Vaccine Initiative,

The Canadian government is contributing towards the fight against Aids, as are other countries. For those directly affected I'm sure it doesn't seem like results are happening fast enough, I'm know I would feel the same is precious but so very short...there just isn't enough time!!

This is a virus that effects each and everyone of us whether we want to admit it or not...think about it... there are people alive who don't know a time when Aids wasn't prevalent...I remember and I know our world was changed forever!!!

Lets "Keep the Promise, Stop Aids..."

Information courtesy of:
Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative,
CATIE, Canadian Aids Treatment Information Exchange,,

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The finished necklace!

Here you have it .......

This what Peggy Hodge, who won the give away wanted on her pendant...Faith, Hope and Love...I've added two black glass roundels and two round sterling silver beads to space the the discs so they sit without covering each other...

Please excuse what is some part of me in the bottom of the discs they are very shiny!!! This was the best I could do...other photos had much more of me in them... :0)

Again...I would like to thank all those who took the time to enter the "give away" for one closer to Christmas!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

We have a winner!!!

Congratulations to Peggy Hodge.. my 1st Anniversary give away winner, she has chosen to have "faith, hope and love" stamped on the pendant, which will hang from a leather cord. I will post a picture of the pendant once it is finished...

Do check out Peggy's Etsy store...she is an amazing photographer, her prints are interesting and unique, with great angles. Check this one out "To Bee Or Not A Bee"... I love it!!!!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter my 1st Anniversary give away contest...


Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't forget to enter the draw!!!

Here is another look at stamped pendants...this time there are three small pendants stamped with ...Yes, No, Maybe...a woman can change her mind can't she!!!

I'm trying very hard to get past my need to be symmetrical, which is difficult for me. Below is one of a few necklaces I've made took awhile but now I actually enjoy doing something different from what I'm accustomed to...the turquoise chunks look very nice off center with the onyx chunks and the Bali silver beads, when wearing!! What do you think??? I would love to know...

Here is one of my small cuffs, hammered, sanded, polished and tumbled to a shiny finish...these seem to be rather popular, and I do enjoy making them. I also make them much wider than this but the narrow ones are good for wearing say three at at time!!

Don't forget to leave a comment regarding my "Give Away", either here or at my Etsy have until November 22nd to purchase necessary! PS..."Free Shipping" until November 30th.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

A give away!

I've gotten behind in my posting but the good news is my last big show for the season is over so I will have time to work on updating my blog, Etsy store and my web site. I know, I know, you've heard it all before!!!!!

I have the best intentions...but...I seem to get side tracked along the way as there is so much to learn and do.

My 1st Anniversary for my Etsy store is November 19th and I'm having a give away, no purchase necessary, for a sterling silver stamped pendant, stamped with names, initials, a short saying, or hammered ... the winners preference. To enter leave a comment after this post or convo me at my Etsy store from November 16th to November 23 telling me what you would like stamped if you win the prize. Something similiar to the pendant below either on a black leather cord or a sterling silver chain again your choice ...the draw will take place on Monday, November 24th. (I managed to get my dates mixed should be November 24th not the 23rd)

I'm also offering "free" shipping in my Etsy store from November 15th to November 30th for the Christmas rush...remember if you don't see what you are looking for convo me...I love custom orders!!!

I will finish the "Birthstone of the Month" series, October and November to be up soon... I've become interested in another aspect of stones... their healing properties, which I find absolutely fascinating. I will be incorporating this information into my blog soon!

I'll be posting again shortly... :0)