Thursday, January 14, 2010

Here is the cutest Snowman!!!

On December 19th I was fortunate enough to win a great Christmas bead from ArtBeadScene Blog prize is the cutest Snowman made by Jennifer Heynen, from Jangles holiday bead collection, arrived yesterday and here it is below.

I think it is so cute...I'm not sure whether I will make a Christmas tree decoration or possibly a broach would be great at Christmas time!!!
Thank you Jennifer for providing the snowman, and Art Bead Scene for the contest!

Portrait Workshop with Misty Mawn!

Next I'd like to tell you about a leap of faith for me...some of you may know that I've always felt that I should be painting...I gave it a try about 10 years ago, but I didn't have the patience for it as I didn't know what I was doing...this fall I signed up for a water color class, but only attended one class as sometimes things change, I just couldn't work it in...but...I happened to see a post regarding an online art workshop, painting portraits, at a great blog I visit The Art & Life of Misty Mawn. That sounded perfect for me...I've never been interested in portraits but I'd never tried either so even if I didn't learn to love doing portraits I would learn aspects of painting, besides I felt drawn to this course, I do believe in following my tomorrow, January 15th we begin!!!

The pencil drawings are a warm up given to all the participants...a "blind drawing"...and yes they look rather funny but drawing without looking at the paper produces the following sketches, at least from me it is what we did...

Below is a self portrait

Use a photo or live model place your pencil on the paper and very slowly follow the outline of the face with your eyes at the same time draw what your eye is following...but here is the catch...without lifting your pencil!!! That made it doubly difficult for first I didn't enjoy the process as I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I didn't like that the faces were all messy...funny I know!

At first it rather frustrated me so I would erase a whole face...but I reminded to go slow and enjoy the process, not worrying about the results!!! That was uncomfortable at first for me...
I did a total of three pages, and by the end I was having fun and not worrying about the face being a mess...which I'm sure was the intention of the exercise...

My grandson is the two on the right, not sure about the other two?

This is my daughter!

I'll post more as the workshop progresses...I'm excited to see how it will allow me to express myself...



  1. Blind contour drawings are hard to get used to at first, but they are a great warm up for long drawing sessions, and really help you begin to see things in a different way. Drawing for me is just as rewarding as making jewelry. I hope you enjoy it!

  2. I remember this from college; I loved those assignments. I think I still have Betty Edwards book.

  3. Yay, Heather...pursuing what you love. Enjoy it! Looking forward to seeing more of your artwork.

  4. Hello Callie...I was thinking the are a way to help rid perfectionists of that trait to some degree...

    Sandra...I took the obligatory art in public school but that is all...far too long ago to remember anything!

    Hey Norma...I'm going to give it a try...see what happens!

    Nice to see you ladies...

  5. For me, I have found they certainly can! Especially since they are so hard to do, but also a lot of fun! I Found Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain to be an interesting and helpful book.

  6. I haven't tried to draw anything since high school, sometime in grade 9 art I realized I wasn't very good at it and switched to more abstract art. and then I got hooked on jewelry and clothing alteration and that was that. I always meant to try again tho - thanks for reminding me!

  7. Thank your for the book tip Callie...I do have to say I didn't find the blind drawings fun for the first few...took me a bit!

    Hey Emily...I always thought I wasn't good a "art" as well but for some reason it keeps calling me!!!!!!!

  8. I used to draw and paint too so you have inspired me to consider it again when I have the time. The portraits are cute! Picasso couldn't have done better!

  9. Aw Pearl...thanks a bunch!!! :0)
    I'm thrilled I've actually inspired a few friends to think about drawing & painting again!!!


  10. Hey, nice of you to stop artist told me once, many artists are not born, it often comes from practice, practice, practice...maybe you didn't practice??? :0) Having said that it isn't for everyone...


  11. Oh this is so fun! Congratulations on your bravery! I can't wait to hear more about it! :)


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