Hey there...it's been awhile!
Life will be slowing down for me now, so I'm hoping to be around more....
Tomorrow is the last North Bay Farmers' Market...I can't believe how fast this season has gone. It seems like yesterday I was preparing for the first day! The weather this year was amazing, couldn't ask for better...with a couple of nasty weather bits, like strong winds or mist but certainly the best year weather wise out of the last five. We were disappointed in the lack crowds though...we didn't have the turn out we generally have, I'm thinking everyone was at home or the cottage enjoying the wonderful weather? Regardless...we had a great season...here's to a great Market tomorrow!

Above is a collage I did for a poster for an event ...I think you've seen the pieces individually but I've been playing with making collages, so thought I'd show you this.
See you again soon...