I left a message on Blogger's Help section asking how to either remove the white box or center my banner and a kind person answered with a simple solution for removing the white box, which I have passed along to others...haven't figured out his name yet...his blog is here
He offers free blogger templates... as well.. there is a "How To" section with a list of interesting tricks to customize your template for those so inclined. I've not looked them all over but the few I have looked at it amounts to adding or changing the HTML, which isn't difficult if you pay attention...let me say always save the original HTML before changing anything! Interesting site...helpful fellow, take a look at his site, you just might find something you can use!
I'm still not sure if the background color goes with the banner but I love each individually so they will stay until I decide to try something different!
Now for the jewels...you didn't think I would do a post without including some little thing did you?
A simple pendant, which are my personal favorites, a great pyrite nugget hanging from a gunmetal chain...what could be more simple yet make still make a statement?

Medically it is thought to help fight off infection and viruses, skin diseases, fungal infection, help with male impotence and with digestion.
I'm new to the world of "healing stones/crystals", a customer passed along fascinating information regarding Quartz at a show I was doing last fall which sparked my interest... I purchased a couple of intriguing books, and I'm researching the web to satisfy my curiosity. While I found the information thought-provoking, I do not have first hand knowledge of the healing properties or the capabilities.
Please keep in mind this information is not intended to replace medical treatment in the event of illness, I'm passing it along purely for the readers information...a medical doctor should always be consulted for health issues!
Thanks again everyone...
I love the look of your blog! I am completely fascinated by what you read Pyrite can do. My daughter has a lot of anxiety and this might be something she would like! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by my blog. I don't know what your blog looked like before, but it looks very nice now.
ReplyDeleteI think your banner looks great with this background. It makes it pop out. Thanks for the link...he's got a lot of good information.
ReplyDeleteNice update to the blog! I'm always out here trying to find new hacks to the blogger blog. It's always an education, isn't it? ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm also interested in the healing powers of certain stones. That's always good info to have!
Take care
I figure that the stones certainly can't hurt! Medical science is only part of the equation anyway... I look forward to more of these! I bet they'd be a hit this summer....