Here are three more pair of earrings all made with Argentium sheet silver and wire...I'm a huge fan of this silver as it is shinier and more resistant to tarnishing than Sterling Silver!
Each pair of earrings has been hand cut, sanded, polished, detailed, and tumbled, by me of course!! I've recently purchased some Fine Silver, which is 99.9% pure silver, I've read this is the silver used to make bullion bars for international trading...interesting! I'm not sure if I will enjoy working with this silver as it is very soft ...but I wanted to try fusing which is similiar to soldering without the necessity of solder and chemicals... I'll let you know once I begin working with it. Probably won't be until after the new year now! I'm looking forward to a productive winter...taking courses in metalsmith and improving my photography skills...both will keep me very busy until the market/show season begins in March! Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season! Cheers
all gorgeous pieces!!! I LOVE the "spiral" ones at the top.... one day... I also would love to take a metalsmith course... one day :-)